NORDSEE's business success is not only determined by the quality of our products and services. The ethically impeccable and compliant behaviour of all employees, including towards business partners and the public, is also crucial. This is the only way to prevent damage to our company and its stakeholders. 
Are you aware of any irregularities? Please do not hesitate. By reporting information, you can help to uncover criminal behaviour at an early stage, protect employees and prevent further damage. It is therefore important that you send us your information.

You can use this portal to submit reports of suspected wrongdoing or abusive/illegal behaviour within and outside our company or which constitute a breach of internal company regulations. This includes, for example, criminal offences such as fraud, theft, money laundering, corruption, but also conflicts of interest, competition/antitrust law, occupational safety, risks or violations relating to human rights or the environment (including in the supply chain), harassment/discrimination, labour law, cyber security, product safety, data protection, sanctions, tax regulations.

We ask you to use the portal responsibly and only if - for whatever reason - personal dialogue is not an option for you as the primary reporting channel.

NORDSEE takes your report seriously. This reporting portal is available to employees, business partners and other NORDSEE stakeholders around the clock. You can also report your information anonymously via this portal if you wish. However, we would be pleased if you could give your name.

We guarantee that you will be protected from retaliation, whether anonymously or by name.

Here you will find the link where you can submit your report (also anonymously):