When sourcing, we pay great attention to the selection of certified fish products. Increasing customer demand also shows this is the right decision. Through certification, we can fight against overfishing of the oceans. This is guaranteed by the independent verification of fisheries through external experts based on strict environmental standards. In this way, we proactively secure fish stocks for the future while at the same time offering our guests the opportunity to enjoy the most delicious fish with a clear conscience. We carry the following certificates in our retail branches:
Fish with this seal comes from MSC-certified environmentally-friendly fisheries. This means the fisheries demonstrate that they operate in a way that the stock and environment are preserved sustainably.
Fish with this symbol comes from aquaculture that has been independently certified under the ASC guidelines for responsible breeding. The aim of the ASC is to make the farming of fish and seafood more sustainable from an ecological and social point of view.
The organic label (DE-ÖKO-039) identifies products and foods that have been produced and inspected in accordance with EU legislation on organic farming.
An initiative to promote the European eel. Both the re-naturing and release of young eels are carried out as restocking measures.
The seal of origin of the Norwegian Seafood Council. It guarantees the origin of fish and seafood from Norway's cold, clear waters.
The Alaska Seafood label promotes sustainable fishing and fisheries. Fish products from Alaska´s FAO fishing area 67 (North-East Pacific) derive from strictly controlled fish stocks in order to prevent overfishing.