Since 1899 all our sustainable activities have been following the motto “Pro toto quid contribuamus”. It urges all those involved in the company to make a contribution to the whole. By this we mean that all employees assume responsibility for the ecological and social aspects that are connected with the company, even beyond NORDSEE. As the premier fish expert, it is in our own interest to act in the interest of nature and to protect our most important resource: fish.
Responsible purchasing
The aim is to source the fish through environmentally friendly and sound fishing.
The aim is to source the fish through environmentally friendly and preserving fishing.
We are a member of the Federal Association of the German Fishing Industry and Fish Wholesale e. V. The "Sustainable Fisheries" initiative founded in 1996 formulates the purchasing agreements by which we abide. NORDSEE fish is 82.4% wild and 17.6% aquaculture.
Purchasing agreements for sustainable fishing
Since the fishing industry – especially in certain countries – relies heavily on the purchase of fish and raw materials, the initiative has formulated purchasing agreements. With the help of such agreements, the industry contributes to the protection of the oceans and supports sustainable fishing. NORDSEE seafood suppliers are committed to the principles of the Sustainable Fisheries Initiative through voluntary purchasing agreements. Among other things, the agreements guarantee that they reject illegal, unreported and unregulated fish trade. In addition, suppliers certify that the fish delivered come from areas where there are regulated catch quantities.
We also support the call for more effective controls at sea and in ports. As a contribution to this, we are continuously working to optimize traceability and transparency throughout the supply chain. The traceability of our fish in accordance with Regulation (EC) No 1224/2009 is guaranteed from the plate back to the supplier and the catch location. This also applies to all other raw materials. In addition, we continue to support all efforts in EU legislation to minimize discards.
Our relationships with our key suppliers have existed for decades and are based on the highest quality standards. Beyond the trust placed in us, some time ago we developed binding rules in the form of mission statements, a code of conduct for suppliers and service providers, and a guideline for sustainable procurement. This package of measures helps to anchor sustainability throughout the supply chain and contributes to the careful use of natural resources and the resources of the sea.
Find more information on the single certifications here.
No sale of endangered fish species
We believe endangered fish species should not be sold.
Our most important measure for the protection of endangered fish species is to voluntarily refrain from selling them. NORDSEE has been doing so for years and supports measures that contribute to the protection and recovery of fish stocks.